Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hi so have you ever wondered why you have a certain hair color or why your eyes are a certain color or why you look the way you do. Well it's because of Genetics.

 You get these traits from your parents. The passing of these traits is called heredity.Like if your dad brown eyes and you have brown eyes to. That is a trait passed down from your dad to you. You can inherit something from your mom or dad. Like if your dad does something than you you might start doing the same thing because you picked it up by watching him.

You have 46 chromosomes. 23 are from your dad and 23 are from your mom. These chromosomes are in sperm cells and egg cells.

 Gregor Mendel was an Austrian scientist in the 1800s, he wanted to know how kids got traits from their parents. So he did an experiment with pea plants he combined them together and observed their outcomes. He came up with the idea of recessive and dominant traits through many different generations of pea plants. He is now know as The Father Of Genetics.